zeller feigen mit Senna syrup

zeller feigen mit Senna syrup

    zeller feigen mit Senna syrup

    zeller feigen mit Senna syrup is a herbal medicine containing figs and senna pods.

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    This is an authorised medicinal product. Read the patient information leaflet.

    Many people frequently suffer from occasional constipation, a common digestive problem, throughout their lives. It is characterised by difficulty in defecation, hard stools and reduced frequency of bowel movements. Although it is usually a temporary problem, it can still cause discomfort and unease.

    Medicines made from senna and figs in liquid form can provide support. Senna in the recommended dosage produces a soft, slippery stool. This effect is supported by the mucilage, fructose and the acid of the figs.

    There are various reasons for occasional constipation. Here are some of them:

    • Lack of dietary fibre: A low-fibre diet is a common cause of constipation. Dietary fibres are indigestible food components that add volume to the stool and promote intestinal movement.
    • Dehydration: Insufficient fluid intake can also lead to constipation. Water plays an important role in maintaining a soft stool consistency.
    • Lack of physical activity: A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise can promote constipation. Physical activity stimulates the intestinal muscles and aids digestion.
    • Side effects of medication: Many painkillers (e.g. opioids), antidepressants, antacids or iron supplements can cause constipation.

    Product information

    Available without prescription in pharmacies and chemists.

    zeller feigen mit Senna is used in the short term for:

    • Occasional constipation of a general nature
    • Constipation due to other eating habits (e.g. during travel)
    • Constipation due to bed rest


    • Take 10-20 ml with the enclosed measuring cup

    Package sizes:

    • 100 ml
    • 200 ml

    10ml syrup contains as active ingredient:

    • 5.9 -7.3 g aqueous liquid extract of figs (Caricae fructus) and senna pods (Sennae fructus) in a ratio of 3:2


    Alcohol content: 4 % by volume

    Figs (Ficus carica)
    Senna (Senna alexandrina)
    Dictionary of medicinal plants


    for support with constipation

    Dictionary of medicinal plants


    for occasional constipation



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