zeller herz und nerven drops

zeller herz und nerven drops

zeller herz und nerven drops

zeller herz und nerven is a herbal medicine with liquid extracts of hawthorn herb, hawthorn fruit, passion flower herb, hop cones, olive leaves, clove root herb and holly leaves.

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This is an authorised medicinal product. Read the patient information leaflet.

The medicinal plants hawthorn, passionflower, hops, olive leaves, herb bennet and holly, all of which have proven medicinal properties, complement each other. They are traditionally said to have a calming effect on the heart and nerves.

Nervous heart complaints can become evident through a variety of symptoms such as a feeling of anxiety, severe palpitations or a rapid pulse and can make it difficult to fall asleep if they occur before going to bed. Nervous heart complaints have no organic cause and are therefore also called “functional heart complaints”. However, if an irregular pulse, palpitations, sharp chest pains and shortness of breath are frequent or prolonged, consult a doctor. The specialist will identify whether the heart or the vessels are organically diseased or whether the problems are caused by nerves.  

Product information

Available without prescription in pharmacies and chemists.

zeller herz und nerven drops are used for nerve-related heart complaints which can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Feeling of anxiety
  • Strong palpitations
  • Rapid pulse
  • Difficulty falling asleep


  • Take 1 full pipette (equivalent to 3 ml) 3 times a day


Package sizes:

  • 100 ml
  • 200 ml

1 ml liquid extract contains as active ingredient:

  • 30 mg hawthorn leaves and flowers (Crataegi folium cum flore)
  • 10 mg hawthorn fruit (Crataegi fructus)
  • 15 mg passionflower (Passiflorae herba)
  • 10 mg hop cones (Lupuli flos)
  • 10 mg olive leaves (Oleae folium)
  • 20 mg clove herb (Caryophyllatae herba)
  • 10 mg holly leaves (Ilicis aquifolii folium)

Alcohol content: 32 Vol. %

Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.)
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Dictionary of medicinal plants


for nervous heart complaints

Dictionary of medicinal plants


for restlessness, anxiety, tension, nervousness and sleep disorders

Dictionary of medicinal plants


for restlessness, nervousness and difficulty falling asleep


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